Now I become myself. It's taken time, many years and places...

 - May Sarton

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so much happiness *





At the shore:

the same fisherman each day; white hair, red eyeglasses, wearing a yarmulke and chest waders

fingerprint sized sand dollars, the rarest still intact

a trail of discarded, sea soaked sunflowers

a pod of acrobatic dolphins cavorting in the waves

the small pleasure of flying a colorful kite on a blue sky day

twilight's translucent sailboats like sheets of vellum as they drift back to the marina

two labradors laughing, I'm quite sure, as they clamber from pier to pier

a treasure trove of tottering sand castles adorned with delicate seashells

* so much happiness


When you die, God and the Angels will hold you accountable

for all the pleasures you were allowed in life

that you denied yourself.

- Roger Housden

Roger Housden here on the pleasure of not being perfect...

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Reader Comments (2)

Thank you Jennifer for this reminder...happiness is here...and here and is not perfect, it is worn and loved and chipped with gratitude. So grateful for you and the happiness you bring to the world. xoxo

July 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

Fingerprint size sandollars?! What magnificent trreasures!


July 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercortnie

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